At Our Lady's every child has the chance to access enriching experiences, through a variety of ways. We plan for our lessons and extra-curricular activities to be broad and enriching. In addition to this, we organise special events, visitors, off-curriculum days, and family events to enrich our pupils’ lives and challenge them to aspire to be peopel who leave a mark on the world.
Some opportunities are whole-school initiatives, while others are focussed on small groups or individuals.
We deliver an exciting musical provision across the school. Regular music lessons, embedded music experiences in class and multiple extra-curricular opportunities mean that the children are able to access music in a variety of ways whilst at Our Lady's. We have recently developed a school choir, where all children are welcome. The choir has strong links with the community and has visited a variety of different settings to perform. We are also fortunate to have specialist music teachers, who visit our school each week to deliver 'Gospel' singing and 'Keyboards Sessions' to our Key Stage 2 children/class (Year 4 and 5).
Extra- curricular opportunities
Over the past year, we have developed the variety and frequency of our extra-curricular clubs and activities. These clubs are often over subscribed and offer all children a wonderful opportunity to develop interests and skills. The school uses a range of external providers that bring expertise and specialisms to our extra- curricular activities. Teacher and support staff also lead clubs each term which allows us to offer a range of clubs throughout the week.
Educational Visits and workshops
At Our Lady's we believe very strongly that educational visits enhance interest, enthusiasm and achievement for all children.
We endeavour to ensure that all pupils from Reception age up to Year 6 have the opportunity to make termly visits to the surrounding community and beyond. We take advantage of our position in Latchford and access to Warrington, Manchetser and Liverpool museums, galleries and exhibitions.
All visits link closely to the topic based approach to learning that we promote at Our Lady's. For example children have visited the Warrington Museum as a part of the history focus on the Ancient Greeks. Children studying Earth and Space have visited 'Jodrell Banks' to enhance their learning. To further enhance reading and learning about key authors, Key Stage 2 visited the theatre to watch a performance of Matilda (Roald Dahl).
The children have also attended the Gospel and Keyboard performances and concerts at the Liverpool Cathedral and at church.
Recent Educational Visits have included:
- Imagine That! - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
- Chester Zoo - Year 1 and Year 2
- Palace Theatre - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6
- Dewa (The Romans) Chester- Year 4
- Jodrell Bank - Year 5