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Children's Online Safety Zone

Online Safety Team Podcasts

Listen to our podcasts to find out more about how to keep safe online.

Be Internet Legends - Be Sharp! - Sept 19 Podcast

Christmas 2018 Podcast


Doing online research for your homework?

Use kid friendly, safe and secure search engines such as Kids search engine

or Safe Search from Primary Technology

Interland - Be Internet Legends! Play this adventure-packed online game that makes learning about internet safety interactive and fun - just like the internet!

Internet Safety Quiz - Are you SMART online?

Think U Know for ages 5-7 - Learn about online safety with Lee and Kim's Adventures or by watching Hector and his friends

Think U Know for ages 8 -10 - This area has been created by Think U Know to show you what they think is good, look at what’s not and show you ways you can get yourself out of bad situations.

The SMART Crew - Join Captain Kara on her adventures as she travels the online world.


Childline - If you need information, advice or support for any worries, including cyberbullying, you can visit the Childline website or ring 0800 1111

Be Sharp! Think before you share!

Online safety messages created by the Online Safety Club.

Pause and Think Online

Edward would like to share this lovely video with you which demonstrates how to be safe, responsible and respectful offline and online. 

I like it! 

Himasha would like to share this great rap video to help remind you how to deal with cyberbullying when you are online.

'Who do you share your details with?'

This One Direction parody song was shared during assembly by our E-safety Team to help everyone to understand what personal information is and why we shouldn't share it with people we only know online.

CEOP KS1 E-safety Film

Our Online Safety Team shared this video to help explain the importance of not sharing personal information with people you have never met, be nice to people on the computer just like you would face to face, that not everyone online are who they say they are and to tell a trusted adult if you get that 'uh oh' feeling about things that happen online.

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